Eating Mindfully: 5 ideas you can implement today

Mindfulness is a hot topic word at the moment, for good reason, but you may not have heard about it being applied to your eating habits. If you experience digestive complaints or find your life does not allow space for rest these tips are a tool to consider. Ideally, mindful eating will become a habit, a regular practice in our daily lives. In a world where everything moves quickly and stress is constantly high dedicating time to promote rest and digest is essential to our wellbeing.

Breakfast spread with waffles, oats, tea, and lots of fruits
  • Take 10 seconds to breathe deeply before eating

This notifies your body that it is time to rest and digest. This means your body calms and is more prepared to do all the intricate steps necessary to break down and absorb nutrients.

  • Eat without distractions

    This means no devices, no screens, no eating on the go, no eating while working… you get the idea. Aim to be sitting and only focusing on the food, your company, your hunger/ satiety cues.

  • Chew your food well

    Probably chewing a bit longer than you already are and taking a moment between bites. This is the first step of digestion, it physically breaks down your food and enzymes in your saliva start too. Even better, when you take time eating you’ll find you are more in tune with becoming full.

  • Engage all your senses

    Focus on the presentation, the colours, the plating, the aromas, the taste, the texture, and how you feel while eating the food. Allow yourself moments to be present with your food and attentive to your body.

  • Express your gratitude

    This food was grown from the earth and elements, handled by people to farm and deliver. It was cooked and prepared, either by yourself or someone else, and it is nourishing your body. There is also the gratitude for the people you may be sharing this meal with.

By eating mindfully we ensure that at a few moments in the day we are choosing rest over stress. It’s a concept that can explored much deeper, either on your own or with your healthcare team. These ideas can be implemented in whatever way feels authentic and manageable for you, one meal at a time or one idea at a time.

Pink macarons in a bowl

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